Contributed Data
Data added to FuTRES
VertNet. Downloaded Nov. 9, 2021. [See H. Constable, R. Guralniclk, J. Wieczorek, C. Spencer, and A.T. Peterson. 2010. VertNet: A new model for biodiversity data sharing. PLOS Biology, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000309]
S. Yrarrazaval. Zooarchaeological samples from the coastal midden site Hijuela-27, Guaquen, La Ligua, Valparaiso, Chile housed at the MAA archaeological consultants Ltd.
K. Emery, N. Cannarozzi. Florida Museum Environmental Archaeology Program Comparative Collection Data from the University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History.
A. Villaseñor. Modern Bovidae in Africa craniodental and dental measurements.
H. Machado. Equids of the Americas measurement from the literature.
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. 1987-2019. Cougar Weight-Length Public Request data.
D.M. Reuter, S.S.B. Hopkins, E.B. Davis. 2021. Carnivoran intraspecific tooth-size variation shows heterogeneity along the tooth row and among species. Journal of Mammalogy, 102(1): 236-249.
S.S.B. Hopkins. 2008. Reassessing the mass of exceptionally large rodents using toothrow lenght and area as proxies for body mass. Journal of Mammalogy, 89(1): 232-243.
M.T. Alberdi, J.L. Prado, E. Ortiz-Jaureguizar. 2008. Patterns of body size changes in fossil and living Equini (Perissodactyla). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 54(4): 349-370. [from Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales]
J. Saarinen, J. Eronen, M. Fortelius, H. Seppä, A.M. Lister. 2016. Patterns of diet and body mass of large ungulates from the Pleistocene of Western Europe, and their relation to vegetation. Palaeontologia Electronica, 19(32A): 1-58.
J.L. Blois, R.S. Feranec, E.A. Hadly. 2007. Environmental influences on spatial and temporal patterns of body-size variation in California ground squirrels (Spermopilus beecheyi). Journal of Biogeography, 35(4): 602-613.
R.L. Bernor, O. Cirilli, A.M. Jukar, R. Potts, M. Buskianidze, L. Rook. 2019. Evolution of early Equus in Italy, Georgia, the Indian subcontinent, East Africa, and the origins of African zebras. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.3389/evo.2019.00166
C.M. Janis and R.L. Bernor. 2019. The evolution of Equid monodactyly: A reivew including a new hypothesis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.3389/evo.2019.00119
L. Rook, R.L. Bernor, L.S. Avilla, O. Cirilli, L. Flynn, A. Jukar, W. Sanders, E. Scott, and X. Wang. 2019. Mammal biochronology (Land Mammal Ages) around the world from Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene and major events in horse evolutionary history. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.3389/evo.2019.00278
J.T.Eronen, M.M. Ataabadi, A. Micheels, A. Karme, R.L. Bernor, and M. Fortelius. 2009. Distribution history and climatic controls of the Late Miocene Pikermian chronofauna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.0902598106
R.L. Bernor, G.M. Semprebon, F. Rivals, L.S. Avilla, E. Scott. (eds.) 2020. Examining evolutionary trends in Equus and its close relatives from five continents. Frontiers Research Topics